Follow @BrancooTorres My life : 2014 Your mobile freedom

Friday, October 10, 2014


I know I know it's like a month ago since I posted something, but I had like a writer block . But I head the best mont in my life because I met my heroes and saw my idol live. I really wanted to make this blog big and write everyday but it's not that easy when you don't get what you want haha , but whatever I think I'm going to try to make this big on my own way now I have more time on monday's . You know I want to make a blog for everything like male fashion hous decorating diy and things about daily life but I'm first going to find someone who want's to help me make a perfect blog with everything I was thinking starting a whole new blog on tumblr but then I saw  I couldn't post text blogs so I'm still working on that but I hope it all will work out as I planed .

Hope you will like the new blog I'm also thinking about a new name so you guys will hear everything soon ;).

talk to you later (y)

Monday, September 8, 2014

Today's post

I'm so sorry guys I can't post something right now so I'm going to post it later this week because I have a lot do for the start of my school I needed to get the books get everything in order and stuff so I couldn't do anything today and I actually had no idee what to write about because I also didn't had the time to think about it , but I'm gonna find something an post it in this week so for the people who are reading my blog I'm sorry but I'll make it up to you 
See you later

Tuesday, September 2, 2014


Okey you guys I know I already post the post for today . But I'm stuck with this .. I want to do some more things than only write blogs for you guys but I want your comment's because if nobody is reading this I guess I beter stop , so I'm gonna tell you guys my idee's and I hope you'll give some feedback and help me out with this .

#1 I want to do A post on monday in english and friday's in dutch so everyone can read it even people who can't understand english that well or people who can't read dutch 

#2 I want to do every wednesday a video on youtube to start a youtube channel , maybe later I'll            start

#3 I want you guys to get more into this blog by choosing the theme of every mondays post. So the theme with the most like's or comment's will be the post for monday 

#4 If there're other bloggers who want to grown in this world feel free to talk to me so we can do it together and grown together in this blogging/vloging/youtubing haha , and it's nice to meet some new people who also trying to get there blog popular.

#5 If you guy's have more idee's that you might think is fun to do just let me know feel free to let a comment below 

I really hope someone will leave a comment or starts talking to me you can talk to me on Tumblr on Twitter or on Instagram . So don't be shy and just send me your comments or feel free to follow me and let me know you've read my blog so I can ask your opinion. Oke see you guys next monday for know haha , I'll tell you guys when everything will come true like the friday post in dutch and the wednesday video it will take some time but I really hope I can do it 
See you next time guys 

Monday, September 1, 2014

and this is who I am #2

So it's monday again , time for a new post. It's the September again so hallo to school , some of you already started with school but in Belgium when you go to high school your first day is 1 september but when you're going to collage or university you stil have 2/3 weeks of vacation. Okey but enough about school I'm doing the and this is who I am tag to tell you guys more about me. I know i've already did this hahaha but it's 2 years ago I did it  So let's start.

Stars are so awesome you could so different forms or see faling stars , and to realize the stars you see are so far away from you . And if you lost someone special they always told me the brightest star is that special person.

My grandparents are everything to me ! without them I don't know what would become of me.. They always supports me in everything I do and they will always be by my side if I need them. So yeah they mean more than the world to me !

Yes I believe in soul mates in the story that the once people where born with 2 souls and that they split them apart . The story is much longer and so beautiful to read I'll post the full story if I found it on the internet because I read it once in a book .

I wear glasses haha I didn't know what to choose so I picked this one haha so yeah now you guys know I wear glasses haha.

I really love hugs but not actually from everyone but more of people that are important to me hugs are like handshakes but more with feelings .

Out loud I'll never express my feelings but when I start writing I can really express everything .

I'm so bad at making friends , I'm not so social and if I met some new people somehow we lose contact and so yeah I'm not that good making friends but it doesn't mean I'm asocial haha , I'm actually a social guy but making friends is a bit different... 

Yes , I found the girl I want to spend my whole life with ! I will walk the whole world with her by my side . She's perfect for me , She's like my soulmate ;)

Some people don't believe in what I do ant tell my I would never achieve what I want to achieve , and there's going to be a day I'll prove them wrong and I will really rub it in their face's .

No sorry haha I'll always be a little kid inside haha , Oke no I'm not so childish but sometimes it's fun to act like little kids and just go on with it hahaha.

Yes my family is so crazy haha ! But sometimes crazy in a different way hahaha , sometimes there crazy but like funny crazy or sometimes like SOOO annoying hahaha but I still love them !

So this is the "this is who I am" tag I hope you'll like it and let me know some other thing I can write about so leave them in the comment's So see you guys next monday . Enjoy everyday like there is now tomorrow ;) haha just a little quote for you guys.
See you soon

Monday, August 25, 2014

Before I die #2

Hey there

So I'm back on the blog, and I know I already did the before i die tag but I truly had no idee what to talk about and I wanted to do this tag again because it was so fun to make it. A lot of things changed so that must be interesting I think so go ahead and read my before I die tag
Let's start


I've always dreamed of having a beautiful family with my wife and kids, so yeah before I die I want to have a beautiful family and also a happy family because family is everything to me.


This new year I'm going to Paris with my girlfriend and some friends . I've always wanted to celebrate new year here. And so before I die I want to kiss my girl under the eiffel tower. The reason why this would mean so much to me is because on the 1st of january 2013 me and my girlfriend started our relationship .


 This was something I've always wanted to if I had a chance to go to Paris but they removed every lock because the bridge was to fragile. So actually I can't do this anymore but maybe they have an other bridge hahaha 


I LOVE HARRY POTTER, I've read all the books an watched all the movie's maybe you'll think I'm kinda geek haha but no I just love the story's and it would be so awesome if I visited the wizarding world ! They have a studio tour in London but I didn't had the time to go there when I was in London. But I swear next time it's the first thing I'm going to do when I'm back in London !


Maybe this is impossible to create but I'm actually trying , you know what they say make the impossible, possible ! So yeah you never know where this would end I'm actually writing more from now on ! And IF my blog get popular , the people who read my blog from the first day I've made it you guys are AWESOME ! and thanks to you I'm kinda still doing this.


I know people don't believe in this anymore and don't take marriage this serious but when I'm going to get married I only want to be married to 1 person till I die and not marry like every 5/6 years of my life . No I want to give my heart to 1 person for the rest of my life ! And yeah you know I hope it would be my girlfriend ! but you never know what happens but I truly wish she's the one I'll grown old with.


Cancer is the most terrible disease ! It killed so manny people or made so manny people depressed ! I've always wanted be alive when they find a cure for it because that would be just a miracle and save so manny live's !


I don't know why but I've always wanted to people to remember my name ! I want to let something behind in this world that nobody ever will forget so you never know what I'll do in my life haha I'm still young maybe when I'm older I'll do something and everyone will know my name hahaha .


Before I die I want to see the whole world ! I mean there are so manny things in the world nobody ever seen or just can't because there stuck home thanks to there work or school ! I want to travel the world and feel free because nobody telling me to go there or to stay home I just can go wherever I want and when I want when I'm traveling the world!


I LOVE ONESIES ! so having a matching onesie with my girlfriend would be so cute and so funny hahah !

SO this where my 10 things I want to do before i die I have a lot more things I'll put them bellow so you can see them but I won't tell why just showing them to you guys. I hope you'll love the new before i die , and saw the changes haha. From now on I'll post every monday a new blog! I swear I'm going to do everything to make this blog popular for you guys ! 
See you soon 

Other things I want to do before I die 

Thursday, June 19, 2014

Common with girl tag

Oke so I saw this tag like way to much all over youtube and twitter and I thougt well why not give it a try and put it on my blog. So yeah here we go with the common white tag

TAG Common White Girl

 1. Favorite Starbucks drink?

Wow. Is it sad that this is actually a really hard question? Well I have a lot of favorite statbucks drinks but what I order the most are the blended ice tea in like every difrent flavor , the only thing I do when I buy them ,I add a bit of suger because they don't put suger in it !

2. How long does it take you to get ready in the morning?

Weeeell it depends on the day or if I need to go to a party or something but most time it takes like 15/20 minutes.

3. How many selfies do you take on a daily basis?

Waay TOOO MUCH !! You know the sound that your iphone makes when you take a pic ? Cmoon who doesnt like that sounds it's like a papparazi is taking photo's of you haha ! 

 4. How many IG followers and pics do you have?

Currently, I have 318 Instagram followers and 12 pictures. My instagram is Branc0o feel free to follow me !

5. Do you ever say “LOL” or “OMG” out loud?

Euhm maybe sometimes I say OMG out loud but not that much I guess .

6. Do you wear the same clothing item more than once?

Euhm deuh I'm not a freaking millionair , although I wish I was LoL

7. Are you racist?

Not at all !

8. How many tweets do you have?

I currently have 2,769 tweets on my  account. And I think the most tweets on my twitter are pretty embaresing so if you want to chek out brancootorres is my twitter.

9. Instagram, Twitter, or Tumblr?

TUMBLR !!! It's like my daily thing to do , going on tumblr for hours ! 

10. What do you spend most of your time doing?

Beiing with friends,watch movies, tumblr 

11. Who are your favorite YouTubers?

Our2ndlive, the janoskians , iJustine jamie's world , markmiller , jacksgap,pewdiepie and thats it I think.

12. How often do you do your nails?

Haha euhm the only time I do is when there to long for me and thats like once a month

13. Are you a shopaholic?

Actually yes I am :( when I have monney I always want to buy some new clothes or new game's or gadgets just buying something !

14. How many times have you watched Mean Girls?

I think 5 times ? But only because it was on the television I don't really like Mean Girls , it's funny but idk :p.

15. Do you own a lot of clothes?

I did haha I had a jard sale and soled alot of olds clothes so now I  don't have that manny , just what in need.

16. Do you take pictures of your food before you eat it?

If statbucks or bubbeltea is food yes haha. No I dont always make a pic of my food only if I'm at some cool places where I do not go often .

17. Do you wear makeup everyday?

NO! I'm a guy haha I know most of the men's right now are like wearing foundation but idk I'm never going to wear or use make up !

18. What are your average grades in school?

Mostly A's sometimes B's I'm just trying to do my best ;) thats all I can do !

19. How do you usually style your hair?

I just wash my hair comb it dry it and done haha.

20. Do you always look presentable?

Euhm my answer would be NO NEVER ! But if I listen to my friend most of the times I look presentable ! 

Give this TAG a try and let me know if you did it! 

Ttalk to you later peeps
